Life in WordsInteresting stories and articles
Each year I try to read as many books as I can. But, there is One Big But. Life has so many colors and activities that our plans sometimes change. So my plans were changed by these activities:
1. Playing various video games The whole world of video games is so huge and needs so much time! My favorite game is Last of Us (both parts), cruel and fragile at the same time and another one is Detroit become human, besides I played Farcry and Diablo this year. Also, I love some PC games like Civilization and very old Serious Sam and Worms (if you know what I mean). 2. Watching Netflix, HBO, Megogo etc. So many good stuff, but always the best Friends. Nothing can beat them. 3. Mobile gaming Have to make a separate point because statistic on my iphone is furious. I played a bit at night and during the day, but still, it's a lot of time eventually. My favorite is Mortal Combat and Clash of Clans. I have been playing these games for several years, but from time to time I play actively, but without any money. 4. Roadtrips During the year I tried to travel as much as I can. Small trips near my town (2-3 hour drive) was very great. We traveled very often, almost every weekend. And after the trip you want to relax or watch some Friends. 5. Listen to music or podcast instead of audiobooks This year I gave up my Audible subscription and I didn't renew it because they reduced given credits from 2 to 1 per month, and I was not very sure about their Catalog of Audible Originals. If you have another opinion please let me know in comments what did you like there. 6. Watching YouTube I watched different stuff regarding covid-19, babies, testing, cycling and other interesting topics. Amazing is that anything you want to know you can find there for free, only the advertisement can be a bit annoying. 7. Cycling I started cycling in 2020, but unfortunately, I did not ride my first 100 km. I try to be more active this year for sure. To sum up, 2020 was very interesting and challenging year. I still read only 2 books this year, instead of my 20 declared. But a lot of different activities were available, but I choose those more related to the sofa (LOL). Be happy and enjoy your achievements no matter what (even if you fail something)! Suggested articles:
Today we are going to talk about fitness trackers. What are the benefits and are there any drawbacks of these wearables? Here on my wrist you see Fitbit Ionic smartwatch. I’ve been using it for a year. I want to share my experience and tell you about 7 benefits of having an activity tracker. So, let’s begin! #1 tracker as a tool My number 1 is tracker as a tool. The whole concept of the tracker really makes a difference. For example, when you have concrete evidence showing how many steps you did, how many calories you burned, you’re motivated to keep going. You are paying more attention to what you’re doing every day. Also, I use it to check my heart rate and quality of my sleep. Honestly, the tracker makes me move more and I love being able to see my progress in a graph as it encourages me. #2 gamification The second point is gamification of the application. Most trackers have a built-in goal setting system and provide metrics so you can track your progress. For example, Fitbit motivates me through setting up my personal goals, as well as through huge collection of badges which I can earn and challenges which I can win. My favorite part here is challenges. Achieving personal goals is fun, but it’s more rewarding if we share the experience with others. Many wearables provide the ability to connect with other users in the exercise community via apps or website. So does Fitbit. I added my friends and family to my network so from time to time we compete in different challenges. We have a lot of fun as everybody wants to be announced as a winner. Also, I often go for an additional walk to step ahead. #3 silent alarm Number 3 is my favorite feature. It’s silent alarm. What an amazing thing! It’s way better than waking up to annoying sounds blasting in my ears! I don’t like morning alarm. Sometimes getting out of bed in the morning is the hardest moment of the day. But with Fitbit, my waking up process is way better. This is also useful if you don’t want to wake up all your family. From time to time I still use standard alarm but 10 min later the silent one and just to be sure to wake up, because sometimes I do need an extra minute in my bed. #4 ability to pay The next point is paying with a tracker on the go. Not all of the trackers do have this feature but it’s very comfortable. You don’t need your phone any more. You can access your credit or debit cards anywhere. From buying water after workouts to tickets for the train. I enjoy this Fitbit Pay feature. It’s so cool to pay with your smartwatch. You just hold your watch against the contactless payment terminal until you hear a sound or feel vibration from your watch. All from your wrist and without your wallet. Maybe you are skeptical and think that it’s not so hard to take a wallet and get your card, but you will understand, once you try. #5 GPS tracking Number 5 – GPS tracking. Not all trackers do have this feature. But my Ionic does and I like it. GPS tracking makes my walks or running races more memorable. Also, I like to track my walking distance especially when I’m travelling so I can share it with my friends. The only thing you miss without GPS is a map of where you either walked or ran. If your tracker doesn’t have built-in GPS, then you can grab your phone, and track location with it. GPS is great, but only if you really need it. If you walk the same trail every day, then a GPS monitor isn’t going to do all that much for you. #6 reminders to move Number 6 is reminders to move. You don't regularly keep track of your daily steps. We often become too engrossed with our work that we forget to take a break and leave our desks. Hence, we tend to sit for almost 4 or 5 hours straight. As a result, we put too much strain on our lower back, just by sitting for such a long period. And here we go, tracker is so helpful! It encourages you to move, reminding every hour to have a break if you did less than 250 steps. It affects your behavioral changes, increases your accountability and motivates you to pursue your fitness goal. #7 heart rate monitoring Number 7 is heart rate monitoring. It is a useful tool for new and experienced runners and other physically active people to know your personal heart rate. It helps to set limits and monitor the progress so you can exercise at the right intensity. The goal is to exercise within your target heart rate zone for maximum impact. In Fitbit there are four phases: resting, fat burn, cardio and peak. What is interesting here, resting heart rate measures your heart beats when you are still, and it can be an important indicator of the health of your heart. So, let’s sum up. What are the benefits and are there any drawbacks of having a fitness tracker? As you have heard, there are a lot of benefits. Consciousness about what we do each day changes us for the better. Fitness trackers help us monitor our activity throughout the day. Silent alarm makes your morning routine more pleasant. Wearing Fitbit pushes to be better every day, to exercise healthier. Competing with friends encourages you to stand out. Ability to pay with a matter of seconds makes life a bit easier, you don’t need your wallet on a run. GPS tracking makes walks or running races more memorable. Can you do all that without a fitness tracker? Almost, but you are more motivated to keep going when you see your progress in real numbers and it’s working. For example, you lose weight or your heart rate improves, you feel better or less stressed after exercises and all that you can measure with your tracker and keep an eye on your body. However, these gadgets have several drawbacks worth mentioning. And I will tell you about them in my next article. For me, Fitbit Ionic totally works, even with its downside. Tell me about your experience. Do you use any other tracker like Garmin, Apple or Samsung watch or any other? Is it worth the money? I’ll be glad to hear your opinion on that! Suggested articles:
We all are travelers in modern world, almost every person makes a regular journey to and from some place. The only one difference is the distance. Sometimes you spend several minutes in a car, bus or tram, sometimes it takes several hours in airplane. People usually spend at least an hour going to work each day. It is the bane of adult lives. And we are unable to do something efficient in most cases during this time. Well known that everyone is busy and if you are not, what are you doing in your whole life? You cannot rest, just work.. work.. work. "There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do." Bill Watterson Page after page we were discovering Iceland as incredible book full of stories and pictures. Here you will see multiple photos of roads as it is a pleasure to drive around and enjoy amazing landscape. There is always a chance to meet Icelandic horses and we were lucky that day. Also, I will tell you where is the best restaurant to try unique taste of langoustine and why you should arrive to your place before the sun set. It was a stop at the Kviarmyrarkambur glacier with a superb view and easy access. The misty weather in early morning did not prevent us from enjoying a breathtaking panoramic view in front of this glacier .
What is Cofony?
Cofony is a travel and a lifestyle blog for those who like to explore everything unknown, explore new destinations and find a bit of motivation. The blog is new and more changes to come…
Why Cofony? What does it mean?
Cofony comes from – cup of harmony – because while I was giving up smoking I pleased myself with a coffee in a bunch of nice places. Since then the goal was achieved but I became addicted to delicious drinks and friendly atmosphere.
Who am I?
Recently I was a common workie and my 9 to 5 was busy time. Then I decided to quit and change my career path. So I am working on it :) And yes, I do afraid of standing still instead of moving slowly.
How did I create a blog?
I started in May 2017, but I had been thinking about it for a long time – it takes so much time to think what it should be and how to shape it from the scratch. At first, I thought that I can write it by myself but it was not easy and I did not have special skills and enough time, so I started searching other ways and found Weebly – I think it is the easiest way to start blogging, as per my experience. Then I became bewildered. I did not know how it should look like. But I truly believe that when you make a decision and put an effort in it, you are moving forward no matter what. You cannot be perfect, you have to make mistakes and correct them. Because only then you can see your progress and learn from it. Currently I am still making mistakes and working on articles and categories. Step by step I like it more and more each day. From my early childhood, I had a dream to become a writer one day and now I am working on it and it feels great!
Why blog in English, but not in Ukrainian?
Firstly, because I want to improve myself. My English is not perfect but I need it on daily basis. By writing I discover new words, I correct mistakes and it is additional practice each day. And you know, it really works! Since I started blogging, it is much easier for me to write, think and speak in English. And secondly, why not?
What are my future articles about?
I am working on several categories like Book Adventure, Travel Guru, Mood, Curiosity and Expat Life. You will hear about it every Thursday. There are some other topics in my mind but I reveal these ideas moving forward. Also, I am going to visit Iceland again as soon as I will have some spare time and money. I want to rent a huge jeep and ride all F-roads there.
What are my future destinations?
I would like to visit Italy and Switzerland to find inspiring destinations surrounded by mountains. Moreover, I want to share some travel tips to make travel experience more amiable.
What do you like the most? Do you have an idea you want to realize?
It is hard to describe at the beginning but every step you take makes it easier. Tell me about your experience, how do you keep moving ahead with your plans? Our life is a journey with a lot of stops along the way. You never know what to expect and it's really hard to find somebody who can help to fill the gap or just support while you are walking to the valley of despair. In any case, you should look over and think: what you can do today to make you smile tomorrow?
And then the sky becomes clearer - you find the way to get out of your own head, your worldview will change dramatically in a positive way and I have these 30 ideas that may help you find the bright side. The road was long and our trip was far from the end. We drove over 3000 km around Iceland during the whole journey. And I would say that it was definitely challenging. Why? I will tell you later or even better, I will show you.
Many apps are designed to make our traveling easier so we can manage almost everything in the palm of our hand. Nowadays there are tons of such applications but I would like to recommend you a few of them which I use on daily basis and yes, they all are free of charge.
Our trip to Iceland left us speechless and turned me into a storyteller because of a staggering number of fascinating places. We all travel to seek something new but be careful because Iceland will captivate you. For example we have already addicted to this country right after our first day. ![]() One of the best known waterfall in Iceland is Seljalandsfoss. Water falls from 60 meters and takes a root from glacier Eyjafjallajökull – the erupted volcano not so long ago. It is one of that fascinating waterfalls which you can walk behind and get wet and it’s amazing and must be done by all means.
Do you read for the joy? Reading each day keeps you awake and improves your imagination. You consider stories like new experience. Various characters lead you across their lives, culture and different places. Today I would like to share the most pleasant easy going books I have recently read. In my opinion, we should discover and speak about good books, because they can inspire you and help you to relax. The book can reveal you a person you never know. You even can travel the world where you haven’t been yet just by sitting in your favorite chair.